tisdag 26 juni 2018

Den gudomliga väven lyrics

Den gudomliga väven – The Divine Tapestry
Sixth song on Svavelvinter's full-length-album Mörkrets Tid.
English lyrics translation and explanations below.
Album available at Dimout Production.

The story in the four novels revolves around a lost and messed up divine tapestry – a blueprint of the world as it was meant to be. The eccentric rooster Koklai of divine origin is sent to the world to fix things, working with some of the main characters. He wields The High Language, which has the power to change reality.

Swedish lyrics
Tuppen står mot solens uppgång
stolt han gal de gyllne toner
Orden sjunger Höga språket
Låga tungan löper under

Varpens plogfåra
dess skyttel en fågelnäbb
Jag väver världen
Vet ni det nu eller ej

Väven vindlar, varp och inslag
Tråden, skör som ålderhåret
faller i sitt eget alldjup
Bythos kallar kött till bilden

Mäktigt ljuder runosång
ger dälden, skaldar träden
täljer tingen, mäler tiden
Tar flöde och form
Trälavind, din trägna gång
låt klösa gråhavstäcket
Ro med kraft till ön Marjura
Nu skåda en strand

Havets sten på solstrand smälter
Blommor vissnar, bladen vittrar
Gudabann till ände gånget
mörker föder forna makter

Aldrun, sångerskan ur vågen
Silvia Miranda, häxan
Ammisadu, sydlandsprästen
alla bidar tidens allvar

Masternas frukter
med seglens gula bladverk
alla löven nu
faller i havet

Stammen klyver vattnets yta
Ödets ässja hörs i fjärran
Norden kallar, nordan kyler
karga nunors vakt om natten

fjärran arten, skalets folk
bekryper djupen under ytan
bidar tiden, väntar lägen
klamrar ren vid bark och grenar

Hanen höjer halsen lång
ur hinnor halar djuren
klöser marken, hackar lösen
ger värme och blod
Fågelns tjut med gudatvång
drar vinden, sliter varpen
lyfter livet ur dess drömmar
Han väver ett land

En strand
En hand
Ett band

English lyrics
The rooster in the dawning sun
proudly calls his golden notes
Words are sung in godly language
The lower tongue chants below

The warp a furrow
The shuttle a bird’s beak
I weave the world
Do you know it now or not

The weave winds, warp and weft
The thread, brittle as aged hair
dives in it’s own deep
Bythos calling flesh to image

Mightily sounds the runesong
turns the valley, sings the trees
telling things, declaring time
flowing and forming
Slave wind, sedulous worker
claw the grey coat of the sea
Row forcefully to the island of Marjura
Behold its shores

Stones of the sea melt on sunny shores
Flowers fade, leaves wither
The curse of the gods has come to an end
darkness yielding ancient powers

Aldrun, singer of the waves
Silvia Miranda, the wind witch
Ammisadu, the southern priest
all await a time serene

Fruit of the masts
and the yellow foliage of our sails
all leaves now
fall into the ocean

The tree trunk cleaves the water surface
The forge of destiny is heard from afar
North is calling, north wind paling
barren faces watching in the night

A distant species, people of the shell
crawling in water under the surface
expecting times, awaiting events
clinging to bark and branches

The rooster raises his neck
hauls animals from fetal membranes
claws the ground, hacks the watchwords
summons warmth and blood
The bird’s godly howling
rends the wind, tears the warp
lifts life out of it’s dreams
He weaves a world

A hand
A link
A land

# # #

Lines in red are Japanes haikus with an extra line. 
The extra line in the first haiku is from Völvans spådom, a prophecy in the ancient viking text The Poetic Edda.

Lines in green loosely follow (in Swedish) the viking meter of fornyrdislag with two pairs of alliterated sounds in each line.

Bythos is a world beyond the world in the novels, where the rooster Koklai arrives from. The greek word Bythos means deep (abyss comes from this) and is a concept in gnosticism.

Aldrun, Silvia Miranda and Ammisadu are all main characters from the novels.

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